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English Jubilee Orpingtons



The Jubilee Orpington was named to honor the 1897 Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The Jubilee was first introduced by William Cook’s family and was originally believed to be a cross between Spangled Old English Game, Dorkings and Buff Orpingtons. However, some believe there has been a strong influence from the Speckled Sussex. Jubliee Orpingtons should have a mahogany ground color with black spangles with white tips. They should also have white shanks and feet with red eyes.

The Jubliee Orpington has been around for many years in England, it was first introduced in the US by Greenfire Farms in 2011. Our breeding pen is comprised of birds purchased from Greenfire Farms and The Fancy Chick who imported the birds in 2012.


The Jubilee is a good layer, laying between 150-180 eggs per year and can be broody. This variety also has a great temperament, making it a great addition to your backyard flock.

Contact Us

Carolina Rare Chicks 

265 Manantial Rd

Lamar SC 29069

843-260-0839 (call or text)




Hours of Operation: 
Monday thru Friday 2:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m

Saturday  and Sunday 10:00Am -5:00pm.


We Accepts



Money Orders

NPIP # 56-437

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